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High Quality Photos of the Human Figure.

Figurative Art Starts with the Artist's Model.

Painting with art models overlayed.
painting photo by Euthman
From technical drawing like Da'Vinci's Vitruvian Man to exquisitely beautiful painting like Winterhalter's Florinda, figurative art starts with the artist's model.
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Several Poses can be combined into a larger composition as shown in this 19th century painting by Winterhalter. Click the painting to restart the animation.

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a large collection of clear, high quality photos of the figurative model—photographed in rotation at high resolution and designed specifically for artists and anyone who works with the human figure.

 Live Model Books gives you access to a whole team of professional art models, whenever and wherever you need them. You can access the photos directly from our website, in our books, or on disk. Browsing our collection, you are sure to find just the right pose for your next project. 

We are striving to bring you the world's best 360-degree life model reference.

Books in the Art Models series

Art Models 1 Front Cover $34.95

Art Models 2 Front Cover $34.95

Art Models 3 Front Cover $34.95

Art Models 4 Front Cover $34.95

Art Models 5 Front Cover $34.95
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Copyright © 2005-2011 Douglas and Maureen Johnson.
All images and text are Copyright © by their respective contributing artists.
Live Model Books specializes in high quality photos designed specifically for figurative artists. This site provides carefully planned and executed photos designed specifically for people who work with the human figure. Our "Art Models" collections are available in Books, Disks and instant access Downloads.
Pose Credits give a substantial discount. You can buy credits and redeem them for poses without having to go through a lengthy checkout process. They save you both time and money.
You can access your poses any time and anywhere from your Digital Library. Simply log in to PoseSpace.com and download poses for viewing.
Every pose is photographed in rotation, one photo every 15-degrees like the animation you see here. That provides a complete view around the model, allowing you to see all details of the model's form.